Resources for Parents & Caregivers
Help prepare your children for school, support their unique learning abilities, keep them safe online, and boost your child's academic success and achievement.
Your Child's Use of the Library
Please share with your child the importance and the responsibility of being a library card member. We do not restrict any item in the collection or limit access to the internet. Parents or legal guardians must assume responsibility for deciding what library resources (books, internet, and media) are appropriate for their own children. It is the responsibility of the parents and legal guardians to guide their own children’s usage of library resources in accordance with individual family beliefs.
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Services and Resources
Inclusive Services & Resources
Family Learning Centers
Services and Resources
Children's Booklists
Student Help
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New Parenting Titles
New Parenting Titles

Show your library card at The Tech box office for $3 off the Adult or $2 off the Children & Seniors combo prices. Excludes After Hours, Feature Films, special exhibits. Not valid with other offers.