What happened to my checked out books and holds at enki?

Did you get a new library card?

Unfortunately, enki is one of the few eResources we have that requires a little bit of extra effort when you change your library card number. When you log in with a new library card, your information is pulled to enki from your library record, but enki does not associate it with your old card. That means that it creates a new account. That isn't really a problem if you don't have anything checked out, but it can be a problem if you do. There are a couple of things we can do to fix it:

1. You can contact us and we can ask enki to merge your two accounts. If you have both library card numbers, this will be a lot easier for them to do.

2. If you have downloaded your items via Adobe Digital Editions you can return them there and then check them out again with your new account.

3. You can place the items you had out on hold and wait for them to be available.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact us.

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