Digital Inclusion Month

Information Updated: July 2024 

Building Connected Communities

As San Jose’s number one provider of access to free tech devices, learning materials, digital skills resources, and more, the San José Public Library (SJPL) is proud to be the only public library in the nation to take Digital Inclusion Week up a notch and instead celebrate for an entire month!

During the month of October, SJPL will be focused on increasing community access to technology and boosting awareness of the City of San José's SJ Access digital equity initiative proudly led by the library to provide free resources, programs, and materials to all. SJPL’s Digital Inclusion Month will kick off by celebrating Digital Inclusion Week (October 2-6) in conjunction with the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA), opens a new window, followed by hosting a series of specialized events.

What is Digital Inclusion?

Digital inclusion ensures everyone can use technology to enrich their lives, and SJPL believes everyone should be able to access the digital world comfortably without cost being a barrier. According to NDIA, there are five crucial elements needed to make this happen:

  1. Affordable internet service
  2. Internet-enabled devices tailored to your needs
  3. Opportunities to learn digital skills
  4. Quality technical support
  5. Engaging in online content that promotes independent participation and collaboration

What is Being Offered at SJPL?

SJPL is dedicated to bridging the digital divide through SJ Access. Here are services you can benefit from today:

SJPL's Digital Inclusion Month Media Toolkit

Even if you're all set with your digital needs, chances are you know someone who could benefit. Share this post and help us reach as many San José residents as possible.

Access promotional flyers and social media content in our Digital Inclusion Month Media Toolkit.