Online Homework Help Resources – High School
San Jose Library Card and PIN needed for home access to these eResources. Get an eLibrary Card.
EBSCO Reference Center: Literature
Literary criticism, plot summaries, biographies, poems, short stories, and reviews. For high school level and up.
EBSCO Reference Center: Poetry & Short Stories
Complete poems and short stories, criticism, and information about poets and authors.
Explora: High School
Search hundreds of popular high school magazines, plus biographies, primary sources, reference books, videos, photos, maps, and flags.
Gale In Context: Biography
Find hundreds of thousands of biographical entries, past and present, from around the world. From Gale.
Gale In Context: Global Issues
An analysis of critical global issues using historical documents, current viewpoints, news, country information, videos, podcasts and more.
Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints
Explore current social issues with pro/con viewpoint essays, periodical articles, biographies, images, podcasts and more. Provided by Gale.
Gale In Context: US History
Get contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in U.S. History.
Gale In Context: World History in Context
Get contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in World History.
Gale Interactive: Science
A virtual lab that gives middle and high school students the power to see beyond static text and embrace learning outside of the classroom.
LearningExpress Library: High School Equivalency Center
Prepare for the GED® test, HiSET® or TASC exams with practice tests, interactive tutorials, and eBooks.
LearningExpress Library: High School Students
Offers test preparation, homework help, and skill building for high school students.
NoveList Plus
Discover books to read next based on what you already like. For adults and older teens. Use library card number if asked for "Patron ID".
Original movies of authors and illustrators, and resources on K–12 books to support reading for all grades and content areas.
Get homework help from a live certified tutor or use study guides and tutorials on common subjects and state standardized tests. Adult Education and Career Center
Get help with test prep, job searching, and more. Includes GED and Citizenship exams & resume/cover letter review by trained professionals.