Using Primary eResources for Presidents’ Day

San José Public Library offers numerous primary resources in our digital collections to research Presidents' Day topics! Use our digital collections to locate primary sources such digital images and videos, original text documents, letters, diaries, articles, and more. Many of the databases also provide useful features like citations, download options, and saving articles.

What are primary sources? The ALA (American Library Association) provides this definition:

Primary sources are the "raw materials" of history. They are original documents, objects, and images created at the time being studied. They are history. Another way to define primary sources is by contrasting them with secondary sources which are accounts or interpretations created at a later date by someone who did not have first-hand experience. Primary sources are not just text-based documents or journal entries, but, as you will see as you explore this guide, primary sources are also photographs, videos and sound recordings, maps, newspapers, oral histories, sheet music, and 3D artifacts.

Primary eResources Offered Through San José Public Library

Some examples of interesting Primary Source finds (users will need to sign in with their library account information)

Other Website eResources