A-Z Resources



cloudLibrary eBooks

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Lucky Day collection featuring adult fiction and nonfiction titles. Shorter checkout periods, no renewals, and no holds mean a shorter wait for popular titles!

You can also browse for and read cloudLibrary titles with the Palace app.

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LearningExpress Library eBooks

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eBooks, tutorials, and practice tests related to academic support, college & career preparation, citizenship, and digital skills.

Requires creating an account using your name and email address.

This resource is available thanks to funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.

Learning Express Library Complete supports those looking to obtain occupational certification, prepare for college, find a job, become a U.S. citizen, and much more.

  • Assists in professional exam preparation, including the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST), California Real Estate Salesperson exam, and the California Police Officer Exam.
  • Courses include: Exam prep in plumbing, air traffic control, law enforcement, EMT, firefighter, nursing, teaching, adult education in Spanish, college placement exam prep.
  • Supplies tools for earning a high school equivalency diploma in California.
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Palace Audiobooks eBooks

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Use a single app to access a wide selection of eBooks and audiobooks from Biblioboard, Boundless, Cloud Library, Enki, and Overdrive, as well as titles available only from Palace.

Does not work with desktop/laptop computers.

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SimplyE Audiobooks eBooks

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Use a single app to access a wide selection of eBooks and audiobooks from Biblioboard, Boundless, Cloud Library, Enki, and Overdrive.

Does not work with desktop/laptop computers.

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