Equity & Inclusion – Program Highlights and Outcomes

Citizenship Classes

Programs Offered: 221
Participants: 1,349
Outcomes: Free and supportive learning spaces to prepare for immigration status changes, including informational presentations and resources.

Community Conversations

Programs Offered: 74
Participants: 4,188
Outcomes: SJPL staff visit public events and talk with our residents and neighbors to learn more about the communities we serve. Examples of questions we ask include:

  • What kind of community would you like to live in?
  • What concerns do you have about your neighborhood?
  • What kind of services and programs would you like to have at the library?


Programs Offered: 79
Participants: 1,012
Outcomes: Inclusive learning and social events for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities .

English Language Learning

Programs Offered: 1,082
Participants: 9,409
Outcomes: Classes and clubs to deepen English language skills taught by SJPL staff and volunteers .

Cultural Enrichment

Programs Offered: 863
Participants: 26,625
Outcomes: Programs that celebrate cultural festivities, traditions and foster relationship-building. 

Numbers are from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. Data will be updated annually.

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