Ms Ila’s Middle Grade Reading Club: Coo by Kaela Noel!

Can you imagine:

  • being able to fly like a bird?
  • being able to talk to animals like pigeons?
  • living in a culture where the group is more important than the individual?
  • growing up without heat during winter?
  • not knowing how to live as a human?

Then, you are ready for Coo by Kaela NoelCoo is in a genre called fantasy.  If you like Coo, you may also like other books in the fantasy genre.

My name is Ms. Ila and I am a big fan of reading middle grade fiction.  Here is my first pick for our reading club!

Language Activities for a Coo-Stan (fan)

  • An easy way to speak another language is to learn Pig Latin.  If a word begins with a consonant, move the consonant letter to the end of the word and at "ay" after the consonant.  For example, "dog" will be "ogday."
  • Learn pirate from Mango Languages!  You will need your library card.

Read-Alikes from Novelist K-8 Plus:

Read-alikes are books or authors that are very similar to another book.

You can find Title Read-alikes and Author Read-alikes by searching for Coo on Novelist K-8 Plus.  When you find the book, you will see links for the read-alikes on the right.  Click on these for suggestions for similar books and authors!

You can also click on the "Check the library catalog" link to see if our library carries the title!

Questions for Coo-Stans (to talk to your friends about or to leave a comment below):

  • Who do you like the most:  Coo or Tully?
  • Which pigeon do you like the most and why?
  • How do you think you would have reacted, if you were Coo and you were moved to a human apartment?
  • How would you have helped Coo in the store?
  • If you saw a human flying, what would you do?

Next month, we'll be reading The Magical Imperfect by Chris Baron.

Let me know if you have any comments in the comments section below!