YA Friday: There’s More to the Story


每年四月的第二周,我们都会庆祝国家图书馆周,因为正如真正的图书爱好者所知,图书馆是地球上最神奇的地方,在其中工作的人也非常不可思议。 s的守护者tories和protectors of knowledge, librarians, and library staff are brilliant, kind, and full of great reading suggestions. They're also the perfect fodder for fiction and nonfiction stor是一样的。 从神秘到幻想到浪漫tor是的,这里是一份以图书管理员、图书馆、书籍和喜爱它们的人为特色的书籍清单。


推荐阅读 by David Connis

Clara Evans is horrified when she discovers her principal's "prohibited media" hit list. The iconic books on the list have been pulled from the library and aren't allowed anywhere on the school's premises. Students caught with the contraband will be sternly punished.

其中许多tories have changed Clara's life, so she's not going to sit back and watch while her draconian principal abuses his power. She's going to strike back.

所以克拉拉在她的储物柜里开了一个地下图书馆,做着一个阴暗的交易,比如 讲大声一点。巧克力战争. But when one of the books she loves most is connected to a tragedy she never saw coming, Clara's forced to face her role in it.



书呆子与野兽 通过阿什利·波斯顿

Rosie Thorne is feeling stuck—on her college application essays, in her small town, and on that mysterious General Sond cosplayer she met at ExcelsiCon. Most of all, she's stuck in her grief over her mother's death. Her only solace was her late mother's library of rare Starfield novels, but even that disappeared when they sold it to pay off hospital bills.

On the other hand, Vance Reigns has been Hollywood royalty for as long as he can remember—with all the privilege and scrutiny that entails. When a tabloid scandal catches up to him, he's forced to hide out somewhere the paparazzi would never expect to find him: Small Town USA. At least there's a library in the house. Too bad he doesn't read.

When Rosie and Vance's paths collide, and a rare book is accidentally destroyed, Rosie finds herself working to repay the debt. And while most Starfield superfans would jump at the chance to work in close proximity to the Vance Reigns, Rosie has discovered something about Vance: he's a jerk, and she can't stand him. The feeling is mutual.

But as Vance and Rosie begrudgingly get to know each other, their careful masks come off—and they may just find that there's more risk in shutting each other out than in opening their hearts.


伦敦的左撇子书商 通过加思尼克斯

In a slightly alternate London in 1983, Susan Arkshaw is looking for her father, a man she has never met. Crime boss Frank Thringley might be able to help her, but Susan doesn't get time to ask Frank any questions before he is turned to dust by the prick of a silver hatpin in the hands of the outrageously attrac蒂梅林。


Susan's search for her father begins with her mother's possibly misremembered or misspelt surnames, a reading room ticket, and a silver cigarette case engraved with something that might be a coat of arms.

Merlin has a quest of his own, to find the Old World entity who used ordinary criminals to kill his mother. As he and his sister, the right-handed bookseller Vivien, tread in the path of a botched or covered-up police investigation from years past, they find this quest strangely overlaps with Susan's. Who or what was her father? Susan, Merlin, and Vivien must find out, as the Old World erupts dangerously into the New.


失物图书馆 作者:劳拉·泰勒·纳米

From the moment she first learned to read, literary genius Darcy Wells has spent most of her time living in the worlds of her books. There, she can avoid the crushing reality of her mother's hoarding and pretend her life is simply ordinary.

但随后 Asher Fleet,一位前少年飞行员,有着意想不到的破碎的未来,走进了书本tore where she works…and straight into her heart. For the first time in her life, Darcy can't seem to find the right words. Fairy tales are one thing, but real love makes her want to hide behind her carefully constructed ink-and-paper wall.

Still, after spending her whole life keeping people out, something about Asher makes Darcy want to open up. But securing her own happily-ever-after will mean she'll need to stop hiding and start living her own truth—even if it's messy.


为你推荐 作者:劳拉·西尔弗曼

肖珊娜·格林伯格(Shoshanna Greenberg)喜欢在她最喜欢的当地书籍《从前》(Oncefrom)工作tore。 随着她的妈妈们在家里打架,她心爱的汽车在死亡的边缘摇摇欲坠,tore已成为受欢迎的逃生。

当老板宣布向销售最多书籍的人发放假期奖金时,Shoshanna会发现有机会至少修理她的汽车,如果她没有其他问题的话。 唯一一个挡着她的人吗? 新聘杰克·卡普兰(Jake Kaplan)。

Jake is an affront to everything Shoshanna stands for. He doesn't even read! But somehow his sales start to rival hers. Jake may be cute (really cute), and he may be an eligible Jewish single (hard to find south of Atlanta), but he's also the enemy, and Shoshanna is ready to take him down.



最后机会书 通过凯尔西·罗德基

Don't you just love the smell of old books in the morning?

玛德琳·摩尔确实如此。 Books & Moore,发霉的书tore 她的家族世代拥有,是她感觉最自我的地方。 没有什么能阻止她大学毕业后回来接管 stor来自她心爱的阿姨。

没什么,就是——直到一本连锁书tor名为 Prologue 的公司在街对面开店,并威胁要将其关闭。

玛德琳打算取消比赛,但在 Prologue 工作的贾斯珀似乎有意毁掉她的生活。 他不仅要接待她的顾客,而且还具有令人难以置信的胆量……非常可爱。

But that doesn't matter. Jasper is the enemy and he will be destroyed. After all—all's fair in love and (book) wars.


Amelia Unabridged,书的封面
All I Want for Christmas, 书籍封面