National Pet Month: Caring For Your Furry Friends

National Pet Month is Every May

Think about all the benefits and joy our animal companions bring to our lives! Having a pet can help reduce stress, provide companionship, and teach caring and responsibility. Many of us remember our first pet and how much happiness that friend of ours could bring. Each animal has its own personality and interacts with humans in its own way. If treated well, they offer you a loving, affectionate attitude. National Pet Month is also dedicated to promoting pet adoption and increasing understanding of the contributions of service animals.

Caring for Pets

Before you get a pet, it's important to understand the animal's needs and behaviors, and determine whether the pet will be compatible with you and your environment. For example, a large dog might be a good pet for a household that has a yard to run around in, but not for a family in an apartment. As another example, someone who wants a pet that is quiet and doesn't need a huge amount of attention might consider aquarium fish or a pet reptile.

You'll need to know what kind of food, grooming supplies, toys, and other items to buy to keep your pet healthy and happy. You'll also need to know how to clean and care for it, as well as what signs to watch for that might indicate your pet is ill. Your friend is relying on you! Resources like those below from SJPL can help you discover what pet might be right for you and how best to care for it.

Adopting a Pet in San José

The City of San José's Animal Care and Services offers a webpage that guides you through the process of adopting a pet. They can also help lost pets find their homes. Click on the button below to access their services.


Books, EBooks and DVDs About Pets for Kids

What Pet Should I Get?, book cover
Elmo's World: Pets!, book cover
Not That Pet!, book cover
Pets, book cover
How I Care for My Pet, book cover
Kitty Care, book cover
Pets, book cover

Books, EBooks and DVDs for Adults

Pets: Wild at Heart, book cover
Pet Care Givers and Families, book cover
Caring for Your Pet Bird, book cover
The Ultimate Pet Health Guide, book cover
Natural Health for Your Dog, book cover
The Everything Horse Book, book cover
 Invertebrates as Pets, book cover
House Rabbit Primer, book cover
Golden Retriever: Smart Owner's Guide, book cover
When Your Pet Dies, book cover
Cat Sense, book cover
The Aquarium Fish Handbook, book cover